The Board of Directors
Various models of boards have been tried depending on local circumstances. In some cases significant representation from formal legal bodies has been desirable. In other cases, organizations have preferred grass-roots involvement. There is no ideal model that fits all needs. However, it is important to address conflicting and competing interests of prospective members when assembling a board. Will they enrich the board? Will they paralyze it? Will compromises undermine performance? It is also important to consider the various governance responsibilities of the board to ensure that the complement of board members will enable the board to meet its obligations.
The Staff
Similarly, there is no ideal staffing structure for a PLE organization. However, staffing decisions both enhance and limit the organization’s vision and capacity to carry out its work. Practically speaking, organizations hire the best people they can to fit the job they want done and adjust to the limitations that are inevitable.
Management challenges
Managing PLE organizations has much in common with managing any non-profit organization. However, the nature of PLE generates its own particular challenges.